this is my mom. she was running her first boston marathon, and her fourth marathon total. this was a dream of hers, something to cross off her bucket list. from the minute she qualified, she was excited for it, and said she was going to do it for the experience and not time.
i am thanking god and her guardian angels for that. because had she been working on time, she would have been near the finish line. she was just about four minutes away. had she not been enjoying the experience and stopping to take pictures every now and then, she would have been near the finish line.
which would have meant my mom's friend and two sisters would have been waiting for her at the finish line where one of the bombs went off, where they had been standing earlier that day. instead, they were on their way there from site seeing... just two blocks away. they heard and felt the bombs, and saw the chaos.
i am so thankful nothing happened to them. but my heart is with boston and everyone involved.

I'm so glad your Mum is ok - that must have really hit close to home :( I can't even begin to get my head around it all :(